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Server2.com: Announcements

New URL Shortener
21 Oct 2009 12:52:00
We put 3 tools online including 1 brand new one... (More)

Website Facelift
20 Oct 2009 00:17:00
We did a minor facelift to the graphical elements... (More)

Services Restored
20 Sep 2009 22:14:00
Free webmail and DNS services are back online... (More)

Recent Additions
12 Sep 2009 01:54:00
We added some new content to make up for the... (More)

Server Online
11 Sep 2009 22:47:00
I finally found time to get Server2.com back online... (More)

Server Migrated
23 May 2004 21:15:00
Our main webserver was migrated to new hardware... (More)