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Server2.com: Announcements
New URL Shortener
21 Oct 2009 20:52:00
 We put 3 tools online including 1 brand new one.  The URL Shortener allows you to take any URL and make it very short.  The email validator and ping gateway are also back online.  Additionally, Hangman now maintains lifetime scores if you are logged in to your Server2.com account.

Website Facelift
20 Oct 2009 00:17:00
 We did a minor facelift to the graphical elements of the website.  We updated the logo and the main banner to a more modern look.  We welcome your comments!  Please send them to: Customer Service.

Services Restored
20 Sep 2009 22:14:00
 Free webmail and DNS services are back online.  New domain records have to be manually added by an administrator for now.  I hope to get an automated update system online again eventually.

Recent Additions
12 Sep 2009 01:54:00
 We added some new content to make up for the lack of our original tools.  There are now 3 new games:  Blocker!, Blackjack and Jigsaw Puzzle.  I also added several categories of relevant news articles from around the world.  Enjoy, but don't fret!  Our original tools will be back soon.

Server Online
11 Sep 2009 22:47:00
 I finally found time to get Server2.com back online.  The webserver it was hosted on suffered a power supply failure in late 2006.  I was finally able to recover the filesystem and migrate some of the services to a new host.  It will probably be a long time before I can get the custom controls back online, since shared hosts tend to forbid registry changes.  I'll figure something out.

The following member services are offline for now:
  • Public Free Webmail (the entire email service is offline)
  • ICMP Gateway
  • Email Validator

The following Administrator services are offline:
  • Traffic Analysis
  • Server Statistics
  • Secure Proxy
  • Web-Based DNS Administration

Server Migrated
23 May 2004 21:15:00
 Our main webserver was migrated to new hardware and a new version of the operating system.  Most of the scripts are back up, however, the ping gateway and many of the admin tools are going to have to be reconfigured to work with the new software.  There is currently no ETA for having all of the scripts up again, we'll work on it as time permits.  The server is now running on a P4 2.4c with 1024mb RAM.  We are planning to add an additional 1024mb RAM to the server within 30 days.

Power Outage
15 Feb 2004 11:30:00
 A large portion of our city was without power this morning.  The outage started at approximately 9:15am PST and lasted through 11:30am PST.  Although we employ backup power sources, they can only maintain the datacenter for about 30 minutes.  The duration of this outage far exceeded this capacity and resulted in a loss of connectivity for all services.  We are reviewing our backup power strategies to determine if more battery life will be necessary in the future.

Admin Tools Migration
7 Sep 2003 13:00:00
 The administrative tools have been migrated to the new dedicated server. Admin Chat, Webmail, DNS, Server Logs, MRTG and the account management tools are now available from the main server only. Services on the old server have been brought down.

Web Server Upgrade
22 Aug 2003 15:17:13
 We have completed yet another web server upgrade. We have migrated all Server2.com services to a dedicated web server. Here are the basic specs:
  • Tyan Trinity 400 Mainboard
  • Intel Pentium III 850 (100mhz FSB)
  • 512mb PC100 SDRAM
  • 40gb Western Digital 7200rpm HDD

Ping Gateway Outage
31 Jul 2003 10:05:43
 The support team responded this morning to an outage report effecting the Ping Gateway. They were able to eventually track the incident to a misconfiguration at the firewall that was preventing the server from passing ICMP traffic to IPs beyond the network edge (IE: Internet addresses). The situation has been resolved and all functionality has been restored to the application. This outage was limited entirely to the Ping Gateway, no other applications were effected.

Server2.com's New Look
13 Apr 2003 23:00:00
 This is the new look for Server2.com. We will be migrating the entire site over to the new format over the next few weeks. All comments and suggestions are welcome.

Connectivity Upgrade
9 Apr 2003 12:00:00
 The connectivity upgrade has been completed. Our upstream ISP (Speakeasy) has increased our upload bandwidth to 768k from 384k. This increase in bandwidth has improved performance significantly for large downloads.

Remote Ping Gateway
30 Mar 2003 00:14:00
 Server2.com has released a new Remote Ping Gateway. The Remote Ping Gateway allows you to ping any host on the Internet from a webpage. Broadband users may find it especially useful for ensuring their PC is accessible from the Internet.

Email Validator
15 Mar 2003 11:00:00
 Server2.com has released a new application which will connect to an SMTP server and validate an email address. It is also an effective tool for broadband users to test connectivity to their SMTP servers from a remote Internet location.

The application works with most SMTP implementations, however, SMTP servers set to accept messages to unknown users will report that all addresses are valid.

Web Server Upgrade
13 Jan 2003 18:00:00
 We have just completed the web server upgrade. The web server is now running 512MB of RAM. We've logged a major increase in performance with most large scripts taking <75ms to complete. We also added a DVD drive for local update installations.

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Server2.com: Announcements

New URL Shortener
21 Oct 2009 12:52:00
We put 3 tools online including 1 brand new one... (More)

Website Facelift
20 Oct 2009 00:17:00
We did a minor facelift to the graphical elements... (More)

Services Restored
20 Sep 2009 22:14:00
Free webmail and DNS services are back online... (More)

Recent Additions
12 Sep 2009 01:54:00
We added some new content to make up for the... (More)

Server Online
11 Sep 2009 22:47:00
I finally found time to get Server2.com back online... (More)

Server Migrated
23 May 2004 21:15:00
Our main webserver was migrated to new hardware... (More)